we are specialized in talent recruitment from abroad

Pioneers in recruiting talents from West Africa, we stand out by identifying skilled and motivated candidates with qualifications and values matching your organization and corporate culture.

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Find the job that matches your qualifications. There are lots of interesting jobs and training opportunities waiting for you.

From Karone

Projects Completed
+ 1
Satisfied Customers
+ 1
Awards Received

Our Mission

Our mission is to connect people from abroad to the industries in demand. trained and qualified talents, adapted for your organizations and needs.

Our Vision

We aim to bridge the workforce where there comes from to the jobs market through smart and inclusive immigration. Temporary recruitment abroad allows for immediate access to qualified resources, fostering prosperity in your industries.

Recruiting workers

You want to recruit skilled workers from abroad? We explain step by step how the process works and what you need to consider when recruiting abroad.



69 candidates available


85 candidates available


269 candidates available


14 candidates available

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Le mot du jour. Le“chronoworking”, ou commenttravailler à son rythme

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Thanks to the exceptional recruitment service I received, I found the ideal candidate for the vacancy in my team. The process was transparent, fast and efficient. The web copywriting team were able to highlight the skills required, attracting quality candidates.
Kyle Simon
The recruitment service exceeded my expectations. The process was professionally managed, with clear communication at every stage. I was able to find the ideal candidate for our team and am grateful for the successful collaboration.
Brittany Foxx

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